
Coming Soon to a Mailbox Near You

Video may have killed the radio star, but there many other modes of communication under threat from this powerful medium. There is no denying the internet video is one of the most powerful ways of reaching people. A message conveyed with moving images and sound can have a more instant and lasting effect on an audience than reading through pages of writing or traditional print media.
The progeny of the still image, video has exploded onto our computer screens and is also fast becoming an important corporate marketing tool. Not only that, companies are recognizing the ways that video can be used to upgrade or even replace existing marketing tools such as the e-Newsletter.
Businesses are now enlisting the help of filmmaking companies to boost their newsletters with video, realizing that the attention-grabbing qualities of the video can say more in a few seconds than any amount of text and help them to stand out from their competitors.
Delivered into the employee or customer's inbox, a short well-produced video can be the one stone hitting several of those marketing birds. Conveying news, new products or updates a video newsletter can keep a business engaged with customers and stand apart from those churning out the traditional text-based newsletters that are becoming all too easy to overlook.
Keeping in touch with employees is just as important, especially if the business is spread over multiple locations. Video can be used to offer training, best practice, demonstrations, case studies, or simply for management to keep in touch with a large workforce. There are additional benefits for your social media sites as this is easy to use as content for the company website or social networking updates. The video newsletter can provide a cost-effective way of getting the message across to as many people as possible, and quickly.
Quality is the key. Viewing and sharing videos on sites like YouTube and Google has become commonplace but can be a million miles away from the slick professional production sought by companies keen to make an impact while projecting the desired corporate image. Bad production can be an instant turn off, so unless you enlist the right skills, it's best not to include video.
With film and video production companies skilled in areas like scripting, animation and special effects, keeping up to date with the latest developments will be as easy as watching The Discovery Channel. So when thinking about updating your company's newsletter it may be worth remembering that actions speak louder than words.
Aspect Film and Video is a small video production company based in the south west offering services for all corporate film and promotional video requirements. They produce high quality films for companies including videos for conferences and event filming, and specialise in promotional DVD production.

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